Women should hold to their core values and morals, unwavering and unwilling to compromise.
We believe that all women were created by God for a higher purpose. None of us are here by accident. We must actively seek, pursue, and live out that purpose. As we do so, our families, communities, nations and generations will prosper.
We believe everyone is created of equal value and we should share love to all regardless if they look like us, talk like us, or believe like us.
Community is an integral part of our mission. We believe that we were created to do life with other like-minded women who will uplift, empower and sharpen us.
Women have the extraordinary power of nurturing and guarding. With any gift or talent we have, women should use them to be a voice for the silenced, oppressed, misguided, and forgotten. We should seek to empower those around us any chance we get.