
The importance of having a life vision

The must-have IT item for every high-value woman is not something you can purchase in a store. This thing can only come with some deep reflection and prayer. That is: a life vision.

What is a life vision? 

As the name implies, to have a vision for your life is to have a big picture of how and where your life is going. If your life is a journey, think of vision as the destination. Not having a vision for your life, is like getting into a car and driving it with no idea where you are going. 

Why is it important to have a life vision?

No vision equals no constraint.

No vision equals no hope.

No vision equals no direction, compass or roadmap.

Everything from which relationships you entertain, which jobs you accept, and even how you spend your time and money should be determined by your life vision. Just like your handy GPS when you get off course, your vision will always reroute you if you have the destination in mind.


How do you find your life vision?

If you do not yet have a vision for your life, it is the perfect time to get intentional about getting one. The easiest step towards this is prayer. Pray that God will reveal to you what he has in mind for your future. The answer can come in a deeply spiritual way such as through dreams or prophecy. It can also come in a more subtle way, in the form of a newfound desire or passion.

Further, take a moment to ask yourself where you see yourself in the coming five, ten, twenty years and beyond. Think about all the little details and aspects of your life.

What kind of home do you live in?

What does a typical day look like for you?

What kind of state is your mental, spiritual, and physical health in? 

What kind of spouse are you married to? 

Once you see the vision, be sure to write it down in great detail. Write it somewhere you can often read over and declare. 


So you have your life vision. Now what?

After you have your life vision, it is time to move! What is the point in having a destination in mind if you are going to stay in park? 

Visions sometimes are clear and sometimes they come in pieces, only to be revealed more and more as you travel. Either way, do not stay still. Do something, anything, to move in the direction of what you saw. That can look like doing research on the industry you want to enter, or making changes in your dating habits.

Keep in mind, it is dangerous to drive while distracted. Likewise, now that you have your life vision, do not get distracted by people, mindsets, and pastimes that draw your focus away from the road. For the sake of your vision, be willing to say no to anything that does not align with where you are going. 


Remember to trust the process

It may start raining or hailing…but keep moving.

You may find yourself driving through a few deserts and wildernesses…but keep moving.

You may feel lost, alone, and confused…but keep moving. 

Don’t settle in a place that does not look like the destination or vision you saw.

Whatever you do, don’t stop until what you saw in your vision manifests in front of your own two eyes.

Kesha Dorisma

Don’t Stop Here

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