
Home Workouts: Staying Fit for Yourself

“Why do you keep working out if no one is going to see you?”

My brother asked as I rolled my exercise mat across the hardwood living room floor. The plague of COVID-19 had just settled over the land and the dark days of quarantine had commenced.

“I am going to see me. It doesn’t matter if anyone else does.”

I responded, slightly annoyed. I thought, does he really think I work out for others, specifically for other men? I scoffed at the idea. Some men have this flawed belief that all women want nice toned bodies to please them. Maybe some do, but do I? Negative. 

I choose to workout for my own health and well being. I find satisfaction in breaking a sweat and pushing my body through pain. It’s a fun and rewarding process, I promise. 

As women, how we view our physical bodies should be much more valuable than how others view us. If we aren’t happy with certain parts of ourselves, we can work to change them, however, it’s important to do it for ourselves. The truth is, as stunning and strong as women are, we can never fully please everyone. People will always find a way to tear us down, even on our best days. In that case, set your own goals and aspirations then keep working to conquer them on a daily basis. 

I know that COVID-19 has disrupted many of our schedules and gym visits. Staying fit may be challenging, now more than ever. As a result, I have a home work out solution to get many of us on a routine. Home workouts are perfect for the busy woman and for those who aren’t ready to return to the gym. They are convenient, cost-effective, and most importantly, they leave no room for excuses. Simply find a space in your home that will allow minimal movement. If you have to set up in your living room, bedroom, or even on your porch, go for it.

I surveyed a few of my lady friends and asked them which parts of their bodies they wish to improve the most. The three top answers were their abdomen/core muscles, gluteus muscles, and leg muscles. I’m going to share simple home exercises that are easy to do and garner quick results. So get dressed (I’ll give you five minutes), grab a bottle of water, and let’s get started. 


The abdomen muscle is affectionately known as the belly or stomach to most. Women often workout this area to gain a “flat tummy” or to get rid of their “love handles.” Crunches are the perfect set of exercises for abdomen workouts. There are numerous variations of crunches, but the Bicycle Crunch is one of my favorites. It supports a tighter core, increases muscle mass, while releasing belly fat. 

Exercise: The Bicycle Crunch

Suggested: An exercising mat

How to:

1. Lay flat on the floor (preferably on a mat) with your back against the ground. 

2. Place both of your hands to the back of your head. Make sure that your elbows remain wide open as you cup your head in place. 

3. Elevate your knees to about a 90° angle while gently raising your legs to a 45° angle.

4. Slowly raise your shoulders and extend your left leg.

5. As you extend your left leg, turn your upper body to the right, allowing your left elbow to touch your right knee.  

6. Lower both your arms and legs then mirror the same movement in the next direction. Turn your body to the left, allowing your right elbow to touch your left knee. 

7. Continue to alternate between sides until you’ve completed your designated amount of reps. 


Bonus muscles: You’re also heavily involving your arms, legs, and quads into this exercise. 


The gluteus maximus is the main muscle of the hip. It is also the largest muscle in the human body. Whether you desire to tone or grow your hip muscles, squats are the gluteus’s best friend. When done accurately, squats strengthen your hip muscles and take the pressure of your hip joints while exercising. Below is a twist on the ordinary squat that will be sure to keep you active. 

Exercise: The Jump Squat

How to:

1. Stand erect with your two legs at shoulder width apart. Make sure that your toes are pointing outward. 

2. Lower yourself into a squatting position by dropping your hips and keeping your chest upward. 

3. Hold your hands out in front of you to assist with balance.

4 After you’ve squatted to as low as you possibly can, jump off the ground as high as you can with one rapid movement. 

5. Raise your hands to over head to help lift your body higher.  

6. Straightway return to the squatting position once you hit the ground by bending your knees and firmly planting your feet. 

7. Repeat this process. 


Bonus: This exercise also works your legs, arms, and most of your lower body.



Our legs are important because they are needed for mostly every exercise we do. Therefore, strong leg muscles will help to improve your performance in many other areas. Lunges are the perfect home workout for leg day. And yes, you’ve guessed it, I have twist on the faithful exercise. Instead of just doing a simple forward lunge, we’re going to add a lunge in two additional directions: a reverse lunge and side lunge.

Exercise: The Clock Lunge

How To:

1. Keep your upper body erect and head up at all times as you move.

2. Step forward with one of your feet and drop your hips until both knees are at a 90° angle. Make sure that your front knee is above your foot.

3. Push back up. The regular lunge, or the 12’ o clock lunge, is complete. Next: Side lunge.

4. Once again, keep your upper body erect.

5. Take a full step to the left. 

6. Bend your knee and then push your hips back while keeping your feet flat.

7. Push off the ground with your left leg and return to the starting position. 3 o clock lunge complete. Next: Reverse lunge. 

8. Take a full step backwards with your left foot.

9. Lower your hips until both knees are bent at about a 90° angle and your front leg is parallel to the floor. 

10. Push back up and return to the standing position. 6:00 lunge complete. You’re back at 12:00.

11. Alternate rounds between the opposite leg leading the lunges.  

Crunches, Squats, and Lunges are basic, yet rewarding exercises, that can be completed in the comfort of your own home. As I stated, there are many variations of these staple exercises to keep you active and inspired. Try different ones each day until you build a solid routine. However, like working out anywhere, it takes consistency to breed results. You must find it in your power to focus and push yourself. Dumbbells, jumping ropes, and medicine balls are fairly cheap items that can be added to your workout area to enhance your quality of exercises. 

Keep working out until you are pleased with your own results. Nevertheless, if you are not physically where you want to be, never talk ill about yourself or compare your body to others. You are uniquely made and beautiful in every way. Once you’re satisfied and love your body, no one can bring you down. Keep working out like nobodies watching, because at home, no one probably is and that’s the beauty of it all.

Kara Brishae Knowles
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