
Mixing Prints Without Looking Like a Total Wild Child

Ladies, I know somewhere deep within the depths of your closet there is that one lovely dress/shirt/skirt that is just waiting to be adorned by you. The only problem, it’s print. And matching and mixing prints can be a daunting task if you don’t know how to. You see, there is a science to the madness and with the right formula, you’ll be ready to finally let your gingham and Ankara see the light of day- maybe even together. Here’s what you should know.  

First, let us make sure we all are on the same page. Just like there are neutral solid colors, there are neutral prints. The two most neutral prints are monochromatic (anything black and white) and cheetah. You can’t go wrong with putting these prints with (almost) anything in your current wardrobe and not look fab!


We will start it off easy with just one print. You can pick any one color from your selected print, and mix it up with a solid of that color or one of the neutral prints. This basic way of mixing prints goes easy on the eyes and is an easily achievable look with a bit of fun- which is what wearing a print piece is all about.


Now it’s time to kick it up a notch with two prints. No need to fear, it’s still easy; just stick to the formula. Just like in your math classes, the next level just adds another element– the same with mixing prints. The formula for this: make sure the pieces have one or two colors in common and vary the different sizes of the prints. I find that it works best if you have a small print (less space between the patterns and/or small print of the pattern) paired with a medium-sized one (not too much or too little space between the patterns). Nothing with a drastic difference in size, such as a small with a large print.


Now the challenger level, mixing three or more prints like a total boss babe! Much like mixing two prints, always keep the formula of making sure all three prints have at least one or two colors in common. This helps with it not being too chaotic on the eyes. Make sure to vary the sizes of the print as well. As a personal rule of thumb, I make sure one is small, one medium, and one large. It gives the look variety and allows each print to stand on its own without overwhelming the whole look!

I would not recommend mixing more than three prints… Well, unless the next biggest music festival is your destination.  But, with all of your amazing print mixing success, if you insist on doing more than three prints, throw some solid colors in there to soften the eyes and not look like an advertisement for the local circus.

Mixing print has been in the fashion game since the beginning. It’s a way to remix your closet and express your unique sense of style. You can create looks that aren’t necessarily “trending” this season, but are still spectacular in their own rights!

Now that you have the basic formulas on how to live your best print-mixing life, you can hold your head up and work the world as your runway just like the true fashionista you are.

In the words of Yves Saint Laurent, “Fashion fades. Style is eternal”.

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