
Signs Life is Calling You Higher

One thing that will always remain consistent in this life is change.

Whether it’s as simple as our morning routine, or more complex like the city which we call home, the need for change will always pop up.

Some change happens without ever thinking to consult us first. Other times, change stands at the door, but waits on us to initiate before coming in.

So how do you know if life is calling you to a change? What are the signs that can help you discern that one season is closing while another one awaits you? Below are a few signs life is calling you higher


You find yourself in a season of separation

Have you noticed that you have been growing distant from the people you once used to spend your time with? This can be a physical distance due to a move. Alternatively, the distance can be due to a life change that results in having less time and opportunities to spend with your people. This could be your close friends getting a new, more demanding job, or getting married, having a child, etc. Other times, the separation might be an emotional or mental one. This type of separation happens when you find you no longer share the same interest with your friends, or that the grace has lifted and you no longer feel peace or joy when hanging out. 

Seasons of isolation or separation do not have to be a result of strife. Separation usually proceeds elevation. This is because people can serve as a distraction from what you should be doing. Further, sometimes separation is required for clarity and release. It can be hard to hear what God is saying to you with too many voices around. It can be hard to spread your wings to soar when you find so much comfort from people on the ground.


You feel like you’ve reached a ceiling in different areas of your life.

Growth and movement are two characteristics of a living thing. Therefore, finding that you are not growing or moving in life should inevitably lead to frustration. It is important that the environments you’re in and the activities you partake in stimulate and challenge you. 

An environment or life situation that proves void of these things signifies there is no more room for growth. It is imperative to reposition yourself somewhere that can house your growth. Think of yourself physically. At one point in time, a baby crib was sufficient for the stage of life you were in. Eventually, you grew so much that it became necessary to move you to a twin bed and eventually a traditional-sized bed. 

This applies to several areas of your life. As you grow, things around you will start to feel tight and uncomfortable. That is a sign it is time for you to change your environment so you can continue to have room to elevate.


You stop finding pleasure and fulfillment in things that once used to do it for you

To continue with the baby analogy, when we were infants, getting 24 oz of milk would be considered a day well fed. Try drinking a glass of milk now at your grown age and see how long that will hold you over. 

As you grow, you will require new things and substances to keep you fulfilled. Maybe you were once okay with spending hours binge-watching Netflix, partying, or volunteering your time. Though those things are not inherently bad, when life is calling you higher, you may start to feel the conviction that you should be using your free time for something else. 

Sometimes the frustration comes without a clear replacement. Don’t ignore it though. Use it as an invitation to explore new hobbies and past times. You might just stumble upon your higher purpose or something life-changing. 


You start questioning why you do some of the things you do

Have you started questioning things that once made perfect sense to you? For example, maybe once upon a time, you were so certain that you wanted to be a lawyer but now that you are in year three of it, you are questioning if that is really the path you want to continue on. Maybe you were so certain that you wanted to live in a certain city, but now you are wondering if another city would be a better fit for you. 

We can get so caught up in our routines and assume just because something made sense for us in one season, it will also make sense for us in the next. That is not the case. Do not condemn yourself for questioning what it would look like if you flip the script on something that you thought was written in stone. Wanting a change does not discredit the good that it served you in the past season. It could simply mean there is something higher waiting for you. 

New seasons only occur when old seasons end. Unfortunately, endings can be everything but comfortable. Don’t resist the change and don’t misinterpret the frustrations of these four signs that life is calling you higher as a punishment or punch in life. See it simply as a call to something new! 

Kesha Dorisma

Don’t Stop Here

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